an innovative application for physical, mental and emotional therapy through the usage of comprehensive components and forms of sounds and music.
Suandok Sound Therapy (SST) app is an innovative application for physical, mental and emotional therapy through the usage of comprehensive components and forms of sounds and music, including binaural beats, isochronic tones, superimposed binaural beats, natural sounds, noises, ASMR and voices which affect users consciously and subconsciously. SST application is specifically designed to help individuals with stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, concentration problems, confusion, tinnitus, memory problems and Parkinson’s disease. SST app can also complement mental and physical activities, such as meditation and exercises. In advanced settings, users can customize a combination of sounds and music.
A binaural beat is the sound frequency created by presenting two carrier sounds with slightly different frequency causing interference
An isochronic tone is a regular beat of a single tone simulating a binaural beat by rapid amplitude changes
This special type of binaural beats has been unprecedentedly invented by Assoc.Prof. Jakkrit Klaphajone, M.D., via a different synthetic mechanism with better results in relieving anxiety
High frequency soundwaves are widely used for the therapy of tinnitus
ASMR sounds are utilized in stimulating the autonomous sensory response of the nervous system
Heartbeat sound is one of the natural sounds that can effectively stimulate our emotion and feeling
A noise is an aggregation of sound in all frequency ranges, useful for annoying ambient sound masking, tinnitus alleviation, improving memory in pre-dementia group, and boosting concentration and relaxation
Natural sounds can affect emotion and feeling in many different ways, depending on the listener’s experience
Components of music are used to bring about therapeutic effects. Music therapy principles are applied. Beat-based music has been used for gait training in Parkinson's disease.
Voices are referred to sounds made when humans speak or sing. Voices can be applied with other sounds to enhance the desired effects both consciously and subconsciously
Assoc. Prof. Jakkrit Klaphajone, M.D., FRCPhysiatrT.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
110 Inthawarorot Rd., Sriphoom, Muang District, Chiang Mai, THAILAND 50200
Webpage: www.suandoksoundtherapy.com
Youtube channel: makodica
Email: jakkrit.k@cmu.ac.th
Tel: +66-53-936322
Jakkrit Klaphajone – Music and sound specialist
Pornsuree Kuvijitsuwan – IT Solution Architect
Suphanat Punyakosa – Software Project Manager
Saifon Phatpaeng – Project coordinator and Administrative manager
Thanathat Suksawad – Sound production manager
Tossapol Uardhao – Computer technician
Jakkrit Klaphajone – Research project head
Lakkana Thaikruea – Clinical epidemiologist and researcher
Sureerat Na Wichien – Clinical researcher and Data analyst
Wuthichai Chairincome – Clinical researcher
Anuruk Tantong – Psychologist and Data analyst
Program development: DEV HERO Co.,Ltd.
Suandok Sound Therapy (SST) app is an innovative application for physical, mental and emotional therapy using comprehensive sounds and music
Suandok sound therapy and music therapy group
Address: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, THAILAND 50200
Email: info@suandoksoundtherapy.com
Phone and Fax: (+66) 53-936322
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